HOME Tour 2021
We are launching another new Community. To celebrate, Fieldstone Homes is hosting it's first ever HOME TOUR 2021 on Saturday, July 17th from 12 - 2PM. Visit all three of ...
Why Home Lighting is so Important!
Lighting is an essential ingredient when you’re decorating a room or building out a house — not the afterthought that many of us consider it. Fieldstone Homes makes sure the ...
Choosing Between a Deck or Patio
Customizing and designing your home’s interior is an essential part of being a homeowner. With all the time you’ll spend in it, you’ll undoubtedly want to make sure each room ...
Top 3 Reasons Homebuyers Like to Buy New
Is it better to buy a brand new home? Or do homes, like wine, get better with time? It turns out there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but there are distinct pros ...
Can Proper Plumbing Improve Your Home Design?
Plumbing design will not only save a few dollars in your construction but can also make your home more efficient and environmentally friendly. When designing and building a house, it ...
How to Enhance Your Home's Style With Exterior Details
A thoughtful exterior home style, color, or material can have a major effect on the vibe of your house. It can also be a reflection of the geographical region or ...